Why do I love my job?

The freedom and flexibility I have to work from home and the freedom and flexibility it brings to other people’s lives after they implement the IBC concept in their lives.   

When I’m not at work, you can find me….

Meeting new people and acting out with my friends!  Often times camping and fishing.  Often times brainstorming new business ideas or running an adventure race. 

How does what I do impact others?

When people learn how to implement the IBC concept it changes people’s financial life that in turn impacts positively every other area of their life.  When people gain control of their finances it removes stress and anxiety for their future.  Bringing peace and confidence to their life.  Nothing better than knowing your future is taken care of.

2 favourite things about your life journey so far?

  1. Learning about IBC changed everything for me.  Blessed and grateful to have implemented it quickly. 
  1. Joining a team that lives and breathes IBC and not just a generic life insurance company.  Proud to be part of the top tier of the industry. 

What type of clients do you enjoy working with?

I love people who are committed to better their lives and their family’s lives.  People who are coachable.  They could learn from their own mistakes, but smart enough to learn from the mistakes of others instead.  Also, willing to rethink they way they think.  People who can be resourceful, meaning they know life will happen but finding a way to win no matter what because they are committed to a better future.  If it’s to be it’s up to me mentality.