The Insured Retirement Planning Guide

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How Do Insured Retirement Plans Work?

You can only implement the process if you have the product. And so, step 1 is to get the right policy in place. The most critical items to address are how much money you need and how long will you need it? That will help the Advisor atAscendant Financial determine how much premium needs to be deposited into the policy and for how long. Second, you need to know how to implement the process. That requires a good coach, meaning someone thoroughly familiar with IRP implementation.

A dividend-paying participating whole life contract is the most commonly used contract to implement this strategy.
The contract has two vital components:

  1. Coverage: The starting estate value or death benefit. This is what determines the exempt room available for you to put more tax-advantaged savings deposits into the contract and the basic or minimum premium required to cover the actuarial cost of insurance.
  2. Cash Value: The daily growing pile of financial value that the policy owner has total and complete control over.

Once the policy owner reaches retirement age and their policy has accumulated a large sum of total cash value, it’s time to implement the process. To do this, the policy owner applies for a secured loan (or operating line of credit) and the life insurance policy is assigned as collateral. A bank will lend a minimum of ninety (90) percent of the ever-increasing total cash value, expecting no repayment until either the life insured passes away or the policy is surrendered.

What does that say to you about the strength of the policy as an asset?

Insured Retirement Plan Expert

We have expert financial advisors and coaches that can help you Implement the Insured Retirement Plan Strategy into your financial life. Access the On demand webinar to learn more.